September 17, 2012

Boar hunting with the Duke

A page from the November 1933 issue of A Woman’s Home Companion which features the third installment of Charlie’s memoir “A Comedian Sees The World”. These illustrations depict his boar hunting adventure with the Duke of Westminster. Top left: Charlie ducks behind a car "in a jiffy" when his horse, Flossie, rears its hind legs (he was eventually given another horse). Middle: Charlie hangs on to the horse's neck for dear life when it takes off running at the sound of a bugle. Bottom: Sitting on the running board of his limo, exhausted and suffering from back pain. Right: Charlie sports his oversized gloves and jacket, which were loaned to him by the Duke because he forgot to bring his own.


  1. WOW! i had no idea this page came in colour!

  2. Yes. I like this particular set of illustrations because Charlie is made to appear Tramp-like, especially in the last two frames with the dark hair (in real life he had gray hair).

    1. the bottom middle one looks particularly like one of the last scenes from "the vagabond" just right after edna is driving away in the car.


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