April 3, 2013

World Tour Revisited: Charlie meets tango singer, Carlos Gardel, at a party in Nice, early April, 1931

Gardel & Charlie are in the center. May Reeves is behind Charlie in white. The host of the party, Sadie Baron Wakefield, is in front on the left. Carlyle Robinson is standing at far left.  Notice Syd Chaplin peeking out at bottom right. Charlie and May had only met a few days before this gathering and this could easily be one of the first photos taken of them together.

"An Argentine singer [Gardel],* accompanied by a guitarist, sang in Chaplin's honor while he slipped behind the bar, drank from an immense bottle of cognac, and cut a gigantic tart with an enormous knife." (May Reeves, The Intimate Charlie Chaplin)

Charlie performs for the guests. He mimed two of his favorite sketches: a French farce & a Japanese melodrama.
*Gardel was actually born in France (his real name is Charles Gardes), but spent his childhood in Argentina. Thanks to Dominique Dugros for this info, as well as for helping to identify Syd in the top photo. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow a national legend next to my fave artist of all time! Old is gold! I've been going through the whole blog. Amazing Job, girl!


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