August 23, 2016

Ninety years ago today, Chaplin and the rest of Hollywood (& the world) were stunned by the death of Rudolph Valentino

Chaplin arriving at the service for Valentino in Hollywood

Valentino died in New York City from peritonitis on August 23rd, 1926, only a few weeks after the premiere of his film The Son Of The Shiek.

Upon hearing the news, Chaplin sent the following telegram to Valentino's manager, George Ullman:

via Valentino Forever

Following an initial service in New York, Valentino's body was transported to Los Angeles by train and another service was held for him in Hollywood on September 7th. Chaplin suspended production of his film, The Circus, so he could attend the memorial.

Memorial service for Valentino. Chaplin is third from left.

The death of Rudolph Valentino is one of the greatest tragedies that has occurred in the history of the motion-picture industry. As an actor he achieved fame & distinction; as a friend he commanded love and admiration.
We of the film industry, through his death, lose a very dear friend, a man of great charm and kindliness.
--Chaplin's statement about the death of Valentino, Los Angeles Times, August 24th, 1926


  1. I read a Valentino biography and I was so struck by the simple man that the millions of fans didn't know about. He loved children and spent time with them on and off the set. He would take the kids for rides on his horse in between shots. He also loved animals which you can see very clearly in some of his movies. Valentino just wanted to be married and have a big family. His marriage was a sham and some say it led to his burst ulcer because he was a very sensitive man. Sorry - just thought I would add that!

    1. No need to be sorry. Thank you for giving us a little more insight into Valentino. I can't pretend to know anything about his personal life or marriages. Chaplin wrote in his autobiography that he thought the women Valentino married didn't treat him very well.

    2. I totally agree. I had no idea about the man personally, so thank you. Sounds like a wonderful person, inside and out, who died way too soon.

  2. Seems Chaplin is wearing a different suit in the video he is wearing tails but not in the picture.


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