September 23, 2013

Charlie & Edna with visitors, Niles, CA, 1915

Chaplin made five films for Essanay at their studio in Niles, which was a block or so away from where this photo was taken.

Photo source: Silent Traces by John Bengston


  1. I've been to Niles a few times and seen some of Chaplin's films (the shorts - like Pawnshop) played at their tiny Niles theater. You go in, grab a seat cushion from a pile and place it on the very hard chairs in the very tiny theater. Plus side - you are seeing the films run on the original projectors and you can go up and see the projectors after the films are done. Another plus, a stunning shop full of Silent movie stuff you can purchase.

    1. How exciting. I've always wanted to go to the Chaplin festival they have every year.

  2. didn't also edna live for a short time in the house to the left?


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