September 29, 2013

With May Collins & Sam Goldwyn, 1921

Charlie met seventeen-year-old actress May Collins in November 1920 at the Actors' Equity Ball in New York City. They began dating shortly afterward and within a few months there were rumors of an engagement, which were neither confirmed nor denied by both parties. Although Charlie told one reporter: “I like the young lady. Like her. That is all.” As was usually the case with Charlie's relationships, he eventually grew bored with May and the relationship fizzled out by the summer of 1921. Another reason may have been that he was still sweet on Florence Deshon. 

In this snippet from the August 1921 issue of Photoplay, we see that May, like many of Charlie's wives/girlfriends, was yet another victim of "Charlie Scissorhands":

1 comment:

  1. I had seen this photo before in my dad's photo album, but didn't know the "Scissor Hands" bit. Thanks!


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