November 16, 2013

Tonight on TCM's "The Essentials": THE WOMEN (1939) featuring (among many others) Paulette Goddard


  1. I'm recording it just so I can watch Robert and Drew discuss the film - because, of course, I own this already.

    1. I've seen it a million times but I will still watch it to see their discussion. Same with Chaplin films. If they show it on TCM, I still like to watch to see the intros and outros. Plus, it's just fun to see it on TV.

    2. I love it every time. The fashion show is marvelous. And it is hard to believe the projection screen used by Normal Shearer to display the home videos to her daughter in the film is same as mine. How little things change. I loved Paulette in this. I wonder could she have been in it if selected for Scarlet O'Hara in GWTW.....also 1939

    3. It's great, and Joan Crawford has that classic last line: "There's a name for you ladies, but it isn't used in high society--outside of a kennel."

      I think Paulette knew by the end of 1938 that she wasn't going to play Scarlett. She was still under contract to Chaplin at this time though.

    4. Paulette's speech to Norma regarding her relationship 'Steven' finding she left him in the arms of the vamp 'Crystal' (Crawford) when she was asked not to divorce him is precious. Goddard must've known how to handle and keep her catch (Charlie) in real life too. Count to 1,2,3,4,.....She was a smart cookie ....even if the relationship was a bit for mutual publicity benefit In the end.
      I will NEVER ever forget as long as I live , the panoply of emotions and tears coming over Mary's face after she is enticed into taking a call from her husband while at the divorce ranch. She starts out full of love and hope and optimism. The camera is in close-up on her face as she drops down the emotional curve to devastation as she is told Crystal and he have married. That scene is embedded in me. That's using the camera to evoke 'feeling' par excellance!!!


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