June 9, 2015

Mysteries & Scandals: Charlie Chaplin

Here is the Chaplin episode of the E! network's "Mysteries & Scandals" series which originally aired in 1998. If you're familiar with Chaplin you won't find anything new here. The presentation is beyond tacky, complete with the smarmy host and really dumb reenactments. Not surprisingly, there's plenty of focus on Chaplin's so-called "obsession" with teenage girls (sigh) & his communist ties (yawn). However, the piece is interspersed with some interesting commentary by the likes of David Totheroh (Rollie's grandson), Wes Gehring, and believe it or not, the late Joyce Milton (author of the "bio" Tramp), who is surprisingly fair towards Chaplin in her remarks.

For an extra special (ahem) treat, go to the video's youtube page and read the comments. Although I wouldn't recommend it if you're prone to heart palpitations and high blood pressure. Here's a tasty morsel:
"The midget Chaplin was about as funny as a migraine.
Plus he was a child molesting commie swine....scum of the Earth.
The epitome of the Hollywood perverted degenerate."

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand people who think Charlie was only interested in teenage girls??? Yes he did prove he was interested more so in younger women........But what man isn't? Also the majority of women Charlie dated were 20-30 year olds (Charlie just really liked women whether you re Black, white, tall, short etc. etc.) meanwhile molesting is so far out the question........Everyone he had relations with all gave consent (not like it is anyone's business who he had relations with) I've never been bothered to watch this & I think it is self-explanatory as to why. I'm glad he is not famously known for these false lies.


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