March 29, 2016

I'm poking my head out just to mention that something exciting happened to me this weekend. For the first time in 8 years my Chaplin (and Chaplin-related) books are now together in the same place. For as long as I can remember, they have been scattered in 3 or 4 different places in my house. So it's nice to have them (most of them) in one bookcase. There are still a handful that I couldn't fit. Anyway, that's all. I'll go back behind the blog curtain now.



  1. May I ask which book is placed on the left of Barry Anthony's book? And which one is placed between Epstein's and Brownlow's books?
    As we're planning to move away very soon, my wife remembers the time when my Chaplin library could be moved inside two or three cardboards boxes. Now it requires at least 30...

    1. To the left of Barry Anthony is the Peter Ackroyd book. Between Epstein and Brownlow is this little book, which was given to me as a gift.

      Is this Dominique? Good luck moving your Chaplin books. I can't imagine having to box them all up. You may need a separate truck to haul them away!

  2. Yes, I'm Dominique. Sorry for having absentmindely forgotten to ID myself!
    I thought Dixon's book was only available as an e-book.
    Is there any book(s) about CC you've been willing to read for years but couldn't find (or found too expensive) on the net?

    1. A friend of mine came across the Dixon book at a used bookstore and picked it up for me. I'd never seen it before.

      Yes, there are *several* books I have always wanted but haven't been able to afford. Most of my Chaplin collection (not just the books) was acquired by waiting patiently to find a cheap copy of something, although there are several instances where I splurged!

  3. Gee I had no idea just how many Chaplin books are out there, you have a wonderful collection

    1. Thank you. This is nothing compared to the collections of others who have been at it much longer. One of the nice things about being a Chaplin devotee is that there is a seemingly endless supply of books written about him.

  4. Hi Jess

    Great photo and comments. I recognise a lot of the titles. Love the figures, too. Really enjoying Charlie's year (1936). Kind regards, John

    1. Thank you!

      The little figures are French porcelain "féves," which are supposed to be hidden inside of a cake!

  5. Hidden inside of a cake? Kind of like the scene in The Great Dictator. I'm sure you have this, too, but years ago, my parents got me a snow globe with the CC figurine from The Gold Rush. I keep it on my desk at work.

    Tom K

    1. We French hide one "fève" by cake on January 6th, when we celebrate Epiphany. The person who finds the "fève" is declared King or Queen, and crowned with a paper crown (a reminiscence of the Magi). D.

    2. Thanks, Dominique! I was hoping you would know more about the "féves."

      By the way, did you get my email about the books? I only ask because I've been having problems with my emails. Some have not reached their recipients, including an important one to my tax person! I wanted to make sure. I know you're in the middle of a move.

  6. What a wonderful collection! And how convenient to have them all together. Cool!

  7. You a really lovely collection! Is it possible to have the titles? Thanks :)


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