August 28, 2012

Hawaii, 1917


  1. I am a bit surprised to see this picture because in My Father Charlie Chaplin Charles Jr said that when he was little Chaplin never hold him, and that he only loved children as an abstract concept. So maybe what he was told about his father was not precise. Thank you for sharing.

  2. dawwwwww.
    @ a little tramp: maybe it made a huge difference for him if the kid wasn't his. after all, he had no difficulties getting along with wee jackie coogan.

    1. I agree, Rita. I think it was different with his own kids. There are a few photos of him being affectionate with them (the younger ones) but I don't believe he knew how to relate to them. He seemed ambivalent about children in general. That's why it's surprising he had so many of his own.

    2. Jess, maybe it was his misconceptions (pun intended) about birth control?

  3. He definitely had some "misconceptions". Sometimes he behaved as if he had no idea how babies were made. With Oona, I think he knew having children made her happy, so he went along with it. Perhaps it was also a way to prove his virility as an older man.

  4. Sorry to change the topic. But what is up with that hat? He looks like Gilligan.


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