April 29, 2014

Apeda photos = 1927

A couple of days ago, I posted a photo of Charlie taken by the Apeda Studio in New York. I wasn't sure if the photos from that sitting were from 1925 or 1927. But thanks to fellow photo sleuth, Dominique Dugros, the mystery has been solved.

It appears the Apeda shots were taken at the New York City apartment of Chaplin's attorney, Nathan Burkan, during the early part of 1927. Notice the similarities between the following two photos. The one on the left was taken at Burkan's apartment during a press conference in January 1927 (following Charlie's nervous breakdown). The photo on the right is from the Apeda sitting. The statue in the background is the same in both.

But the clue that sealed the deal was the date on the Spanish film magazine Charlie is holding in this Apeda shot:

In this close-up (thanks, D.), you can see the date of Mayo (May) 1927 (click to enlarge).
I believe that's actress Billie Dove on the cover.


  1. Great work. I felt sure that these came from the NY nervous breakdown period.


    1. Thanks. I love it when these little photo mysteries get solved.

  2. So these photos were taken right after the breakdown. Interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that since he looks a whole heck of a lot calmer than other photos I have seen of him that day.

  3. I always felt that he looked a bit thinner in these photos so it's not surprising they were taken after the breakdown. He looks pretty calm in the Nikolas Muray photos too which were taken during this period. He was in NYC for several months and was out and about quite a bit after the initial freakout period was over. Not only did he sit for these photo shoots, he also had his portrait painted by the Marchioness of Queensbury.

  4. There's also that movie footage of him that is seen in the A&E bio that comes from this time.


    1. Yes, and another newsreel from that time is the one where he is taking a carriage ride with the mayor's wife.

  5. Interesting.
    I was watching Chariots of Fire a month ago on late TV. I knew that the Olympic games were held twice in Paris during the 20s and I could not deduce the date. I got perplexed trying to decipher the flapper dresses. Then in the final scenes, the girlfriend of the Scottish runner Eric Liddell, was in the stands with a magazine. I zoomed in real close and voila! VIII Olympiade Paris 1924.


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